Friday, May 6, 2011

Across America - A quick check list!

My Facebook status for today reads: "AND the countdown begins TEN,_ _ _!!! 7 years+9.5mo and now the BIG move - the "SUNSHINE" is turning "GOLDEN"!!! I am going to mighty miss 305 and all my fav peeps here!!!"

  • VEHICLE - the first most important thing to do would be to have your vehicle checked out. So, that's done! The mechanic ran a full check, changed a belt (important if you have reached the 4-5 year mark) and also did the oil change. We will also take the car to him for one last check on our way out of the city.
  • LISTS, LISTS - I started working on my Excel Google doc - it lists our pre-trip things to finish, the route, places we HAVE to stop at, accommodations, points of interest, travel time, food items to pack, other important things to carry along etc.
  • WATCH THAT WALLET - Groupon and Living Social are probably the 2 most visited sites these days (after FB and Twitter of course!) . Thanks to Madhav, I am checking these for restaurant or other deals in the cities we will be driving through. I have folder with all these coupons printed out.
  • FOOD - Maha (thank you buddy!) and I made a list of all the food items I should carry along. We mostly picked easy to prepare/eat Indian food/snack items. Road trips (especially like the one we are about to go on) are sedentary for the most part and when you have nothing to do but stare at the road ahead, you really crave snacking on something (at least I know I will!) . So, I figured it would be wise to load up on some good/healthy snacks. It would be wonderful to try restaurants and inns in different cities (am very adventurous with food inspite of being vegetarian and Madhav if anything is more adventurous than I am!) but it doesn't hurt to stock up on some familiar tastes...Indian food is our comfort food, anyday!

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